You are most likely to get into a collision: Do you currently have car insurance? Insurance is mandatory to drive in Ohio Yes I have insurance. But please show me your best quotes. No, please help me find the best insurance. Question You are most likely to get into a collision: Answers At an intersection. When riding in a group. Traveling on the expressway. Explanation The greatest potential for conflict between you and other traffic exists at intersections. This questions appears in the following tests: Alabama Motorcycle Practice Test 8 Alabama Motorcycle Practice Test 20 Arkansas Motorcycle Practice Test 14 Arkansas Motorcycle Practice Test 18 California Motorcycle Practice Test 14 Idaho Motorcycle Practice Test 18 Kansas Motorcycle Practice Test 6 Kansas Motorcycle Practice Test 2 Nebraska Motorcycle Practice Test 21 Nebraska Motorcycle Practice Test 6 Ohio Motorcycle Practice Test 10 South Carolina Motorcycle Practice Test 2 Tennessee Motorcycle Practice Test 26 Virginia Motorcycle Practice Test 25 Wisconsin Motorcycle Practice Test 21